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why colloidal magnesium

The main benefit of colloidal magnesium is just to supplie magnesium in a natural and high bio - efficient way.
Many symptoms are linked to a deficiency of magnesium, such as ADS / ADHS etc.
Colloidal magnesium is used by open-minded people to treat such symtoms.
Here is a list of what magnesium is for:

Buy our nano colloidal magnesium made with high voltage AC/plasma method!


make it your self with our pure magnesium electrodes and a silverwater generator or any low volt dc power supply. This way you can support yourself wiht colloidal magnesium with minimal costs for years or lifetime.

In October 2011 the colloidal magnesium revolution begun - initiated by
Colloidal magnesium may be as important as colloidal silver.