pulsar colloidal gold water strong

colloidal goldwater pulsar strong
the production time of "strong" quality is about 2 times more than standard.
We use a exclusive high voltage (several thousand volt) AC/AC system and arc, to produce the colloids.
With this method even metals like gold, which does not like to be resolved by electrolysis, are vaporised by the heat of the electrical arc.
This gives the colloidal gold the typical indigo-pink color from about 1-2 ppm.
Because of the high bio efficiency of our high quality colloid you can refine it before use 5-10 times with distilled water.

Typical color of high quality gold colloid is between indigo and pink-red.
To refine the production, there are added some drops of h2o2, this makes the colloidal gold finer and more into the pink than the indigo color. But the color can change sometimes in this range without visible reason.
This product stays fresh for years, when stored dark (not on direkt sunlight).
Why no ppm indication?

